Start Here: Project Management Fundamentals

6 min readOct 8, 2023


A tornado cake by ljsartika

Project management is like baking a cake in a tornado. Just when you think you have got all the ingredients right, the wind blows, and you have frosting in your hair! But do not worry; by the end of this article, you will be whipping up project ‘cakes’ even Mother Nature would envy — tornadoes be darned!

My first experience in project management can be compared to assembling a massive puzzle without the box’s picture. Luckily, I was not doing it alone. Working alongside experienced project managers, I was a keen learner under their wise guidance. As I hopped from one piece to the next piece of the puzzle, sometimes making an odd mismatch, keeping an eye on my expansion limits, guiding, advising, and occasionally getting a good laugh at my quirky attempts (ever seen a giraffe trying to squeeze into a toy car? That was part of my output some days). Their insights were invaluable. Each difficulty became a teaching moment, every complexity was a fresh lesson. Every interaction with the project management team, especially these project managers, added layers to my understanding.

A giraffe in a car by ljsartika

But as time passed, I felt a thirst to formalize and solidify all these learnings. That led me to the Associate Project Management certification — perfect for beginners like me. It was not just about adding a fancy title to my resume. This certification was my bridge to turn those on-the-job lessons into a structured knowledge base. It allowed me to streamline what had been a chaotic approach, bringing together practical experience and formal methodologies.

As I reflected on what I have learned, I realized something profound: project management is not just about certifications. It’s embedded into everyday life. When we schedule a dinner with friends, plan our weekly activities, or even decide on the next book to read, we are indirectly using project management principles.

Every day, we engage in activities that represent the essence of project management. And just as our success in these everyday “projects” is determined by how well we manage resources, time, and expectations, the same applies to project management in a professional setting. Whether you are stepping into project management for the first time or, like me, deepening your understanding after formal training, you will always learn something new.

Project management is much more than obtaining certifications or climbing the corporate ladder. As the professional environment continues to evolve, it is essential to develop skills that increase efficiency, facilitate collaboration, and promote adaptability.

  1. Efficiency: With a clear roadmap, tasks are well executed and focused. The process is similar to following a recipe when cooking; knowing the steps beforehand avoids the wastage of ingredients or time.
  2. Clarity: Communication is crucial to any successful project. When roles, objectives, and expectations are defined upfront, misunderstandings can be minimized to ensure smooth transitions and timely deliveries.
  3. Adaptability: Nothing lasts forever. Change is inevitable. Adaptability is needed to identify potential risks and quickly adjust strategies. This skill allows us to find alternative routes when our usual route is blocked.

The Basics of Project Management

Image by macrovector on Freepik

Though the contexts may differ, the foundational pillars of project management remain the same. This forms the heart and soul of any successful endeavor. Let’s dig a bit deeper:

1. Scope: It is the clear outline of what the project will achieve and what it will not. Whether planning a vacation or spearheading an upcoming project at work, defining scope is crucial. Defining the scope can help us to identify the objective, consider project limitations, and create a process to use in doing the project.

2. Time: Managing time is an art and part of task management. We do not want our project delayed because we want to manage our time effectively. We make sure every minute counts and plan the work to be done because every project has an end date and should have a sense of urgency, a delicate balance.

3. Cost: The total cost of a project, including human resources, tooling, and materials. Budgeting is critical for ensuring the project does not fall behind schedule.

4. Quality: Every project strives for quality. It can refer to positive feedback after an event, a happy client after a product delivery, or a sense of achievement after a personal goal is achieved.

5. Risk: Uncertainties are part of any project. Unexpected events can affect your project. Predicting, planning for, and mitigating risks can reduce surprises.

6. Resources: Resources are limited. For the project to be completed, assets are required. Team members, equipment, software, and information are all included. Managing resources effectively prevents project delays and maximizes productivity by ensuring that the right assets are available at the right time.

Now, understanding these concepts is one thing. In project management, implementing them requires the right tools and mindset. For example, tools play a vital role in getting the job done and mindset gives a can-do attitude when facing challenges.

Tools for Aspiring Project Managers

The world of project management is large, but starting is not as intimidating as it may seem. Here are some beginner-friendly tools and techniques to get you started:

  • Software: You can use Trello for task management, Zoom for virtual communications, or ClickUp for project scheduling.
Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash
  • Methodologies: A basic understanding of Agile, Waterfall, or Scrum can be a great point to start, offering structured approaches to managing projects.
Image by storyset on Freepik

The Power of Continuous Self-Learning

Image by on Freepik

In every project, there is an opportunity to learn something new. It is a never-ending process of learning, whether it is from colleagues’ feedback, insights from a post-project review, or lessons from an online course you are taking. Embracing a continuous learning mindset is the key to always growing and recognizing that everyone has the capacity to unlock their potential.

Looking back at my past experience, I cherish both the hands-on experience and the foundational knowledge gained from the certification. Together, I am better armed with the knowledge and experience to move forward confidently in that direction and eager for the next project challenge.


Ever tried assembling furniture without the manual? It is like hosting your own surprise party: packed with surprises, moments of “why did I do this?”, and three leftover pieces of pizza that seem to have been there all along. That is life without project management! It is like diving headfirst into a jigsaw puzzle made up of three different boxes, and you are not sure if everything is there.

Put some project management know-how into it, and you are not just hammering wood aimlessly anymore. You will craft a masterpiece (or at least, a wobbly bookshelf). Although I cannot promise that project management will make furniture assembly effortless, it might just help you deal with life’s assembly-required moments a bit more smoothly. Cheers to your future project management challenges!

Thanks for reading!




Written by Sartika

Exploring project management and sharing insights on growth, productivity, and the lessons I’ve learned.

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